Posts in MedX
Basic Training Scottsdale

Scottsdale, Arizona

If you are located in Scottsdale and are in need of a personal training, then Basic Training is the solution to finding a personal trainer in Scottsdale that can achieve your personal fitness goals. Basic Training is a fully equipped fitness gym that can accommodate any and all of your fitness needs. Located in the heart of Downtown Scottsdale, Basic Training is THE gym for private instruction, personal training, fitness guidance, weight-loss exercise, and overall general personal well-being.

At Basic Training everyone gets personal training. Each and every member who joins the MedX Strength Training Facility is educated and set up on a comprehensive personal weight resistance exercise routine. Bill personally works with every person who signs up at Basic Training to insure machine settings are correct and operation of the sophisticated complex machines are mastered.

The exerciser is “shadowed” with supervision until they are able to demonstrate a level of competency and confidence on the machines. This step-down training with Debbie Crawford works extremely well with geriatric populations who can benefit greatly from the MedX strength training. Debbie has been assisting on the floor for over ten years and is educated in MedX protocol.

InForm Fitness

New York, California, Colorado, Virginia

In the early 90’s, after suffering several exercise related injuries and feeling generally worn out, Adam Zickerman was struck by the notion that brief, intense exercise performed just once a week could yield equal and, possibly superior results compared to his five-day-a-week exercise routines.

For five years, Adam immersed himself in the exercise sciences, and recruited his family and friends as guinea pigs while he developed his exercise protocol. In 1997, he opened his first InForm Fitness – a 300 square-foot space, in a dank basement, with five pieces of used equipment.

The big break came in November that same year when this ‘radical’ workout was featured on the front page (Science section) of the New York Times. This resplendent publicity led InForm to open its second location in midtown Manhattan during the summer of 1999.

InForm’s ecstatic, and quickly growing, client base fueled more national publicity and a book deal with HarperCollins. In 2003, Adam and friend Bill Schley, co-wrote, Power of 10: The Once a Week Fitness Revolution. The book became a NYT’s bestseller and Adam was thrust into the limelight appearing regularly on the local and national media scene extolling the virtues of the Power of 10 workout.

Currently, InForm Fitness’s headquarters is still housed at the same Midtown address, although it’s been expanded to 4,000 square feet and serves over 300 clients weekly. In recent years, InForm has opened additional locations in New York, California, and Virginia – and launched a mobile gym; a 27-foot bus with retrofitted equipment available to train people at their home or office. 

Integrative Physical Therapy and Spine Treatment Center


Our mission at Integrative Physical Therapy is to provide skilled therapeutic services in a comfortable and welcoming environment. We will aim to achieve the most rapid, cost effective, evidence based, and complete recovery possible. Additionally, we would like to provide patient and public education regarding healthcare terminology and treatments. Patients should understand the purposes of the tests, procedures, terminology, and exercises that may be presented, recommended, or offered to them by us or other healthcare providers.

ReQuest Physical Therapy


ReQuest’s Mission: Reinvent physical therapy to not only treat the diagnosed orthopedic issue, but also provide a comprehensive plan for lifelong wellness.

Every business has a story about how it began, someone who had a vision based on a moment, an event, or an experience that would shape the foundation of the business. ReQuest is no different, inspired by a knee injury sustained in a sparring session that would change the practice of physical therapy in Gainesville.

In 1986, Gainesville Health & Fitness owner and ReQuest founder Joe Cirulli injured his knee during a sparring session that would lead to surgery and physical therapy. After weeks of lifting sandbags, he decided that he could do better on his own believing there was a more modern way to strengthen his muscles and a more inspiring environment in which to recover. His passion to make this kind of physical therapy a reality started ReQuest with just one therapist and a medical testing machine called the lumbar extension. The goal was to eliminate spine pain.

Total Spine - NWA Neurosurgery Clinic | Willow Creek


Total Spine is a division of Northwest Arkansas Neurosurgery Clinic, P.A.. It is an out-patient facility wholly dedicated to the care, management and education of patients experiencing debilitating neck and back pain as well as the effects of spinal nerve compression. Total Spine works directly with the surgeons and their staff to provide conservative, pre-operative, post-operative and long term management of their spine patients. Total Spine uses a wide variety of educational tools, exercise regimens and movement disciplines to restore stability and lessen pain. Anchoring the exercise program are the lumbar and cervical MedX Medical Machines which allow objective data to be collected during our two month rehabilitation program. Total Spine provides education on safe body mechanics that actually work, a home exercise program to enhance your spinal stability, state of the art exercise equipment to restore strength and endurance to spinal movements and a staff with collective experience spanning twenty-six years and thousands of non-surgical and surgical patients. Total Spine can give a patient direction through education and exercise to help them navigate the process of returning to a more comfortable world and lifestyle.

Sibley Spine Center


Sibley Spine focuses on identifying and effectively treating the specific underlying root problem - not just covering up the symptoms with medication. Their advanced systems and state-of-art technology allows them, utilizing spinal isolation technique, to carefully deliver precisely calculated healing forces of progressive resistive dynamic resistance and motion to the injured areas of the spine. This stimulates tissue, disc and joint cartilage growth and repair.  Designated supplements secondarily supply some of the necessary building blocks to enhance healing.

Function continues to improve as the discs and cartilage joints of the spine (facets) continue to heal, allowing pain to progressively diminish. The surrounding muscles can now relax and secondary muscular pain improves as well. As pain is alleviated, function is allowed to improve. During each brief treatment, your body's healing response is guided by custom treatment protocols that are individually designed for your unique and specific problems.

Their highly trained expert staff works closely with a board certified, double fellowshipped orthopedic surgeon who specializes in Disorders of the Spine, and sub-specializes in spinal diagnostics and advanced non-surgical orthopedic treatment approaches.



Core Strength Studios

Bristol, United Kingdom

If you live in or are traveling to the Bristol region, check out Core Strength Studios, where you will find back pain experts who specialize in core strengthening, sports massage, and injury rehabilitation. The studio is equipped with the latest exercise equipment, including a MedX lumbar extension machine, Gravity GTS machine, stability balls and BOSU, cardiovascular equipment, and free weights. After freedom from lower back pain, one patient’s only regret was that she didn’t see them sooner.

Pure HealthyBack Michigan Rehab and MedX


If you’re in Michigan, count yourself lucky – you’ve got seven of the top rehab facilities scattered around the state. Pure HealthyBack Michigan uses MedX medical therapy machines, exercise machines and the McKenzie Method to treat spine patients. And spine patients are the only patients they treat. Be sure to view the excellent video demonstration of how MedX works (look for the hyperlink “Watch our video” about halfway down the page).