ReQuest Physical Therapy


ReQuest’s Mission: Reinvent physical therapy to not only treat the diagnosed orthopedic issue, but also provide a comprehensive plan for lifelong wellness.

Every business has a story about how it began, someone who had a vision based on a moment, an event, or an experience that would shape the foundation of the business. ReQuest is no different, inspired by a knee injury sustained in a sparring session that would change the practice of physical therapy in Gainesville.

In 1986, Gainesville Health & Fitness owner and ReQuest founder Joe Cirulli injured his knee during a sparring session that would lead to surgery and physical therapy. After weeks of lifting sandbags, he decided that he could do better on his own believing there was a more modern way to strengthen his muscles and a more inspiring environment in which to recover. His passion to make this kind of physical therapy a reality started ReQuest with just one therapist and a medical testing machine called the lumbar extension. The goal was to eliminate spine pain.